Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Helpful Inspiration

My wife made a big mistake today: she read my blog. She arrived at work early, and decided to catch up on my new blog entries before the day started. "That's the last time I do that - I was depressed the whole day!" (She was laughing when she said it, so it couldn't be that bad.) Her new resolution is to only read it at the end of the day.

It always inspires a writer to get a heartfelt reaction from his readers...

Apparently my parents were similarly inspired, because my father turned around and wrote me a three page letter to cheer me up. It was a beautiful letter, so maybe I need to continue on the Dark Side to get some more! My father mentioned some words that have always inspired him, and I thought they might inspire others as well, so here's what he wrote:

"I want to give you some pointers that will help your mental outlook. These are on a little card that I have carried in my wallet for over 40 years. They were written by Henry C. Link, a practical psychologist and one of my favorites. Here's what it says on my little card...

Practice Thought Control:
When you catch yourself starting a stress emotion, stop it and substitute a healthy positive thought. Example: "I'm going to keep my attitude and thinking calm and cheerful - right now!

Change Your Thoughts:
Equanimity (Let's stay calm)
Resignation (Let's accept this setback gracefully)
Courage (I can handle this - and more.)
Determination (I can turn this setback into victory)
Cheerfulness (Bowed but not broken )
Pleasantness (I'll keep my attitude pleasant)

I hope this helps you as it has helped me."

Thanks, Dad, it did; maybe it will help someone else as well.


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