Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Good Timing

Got good news from one of my Jacksonville teammates Friday: she had found another job in the Bank. Not only that, but she will be doing project management, her preferred career direction. She is pregnant, going out on leave Jun. 10th, and was losing hope that she would find anything in time. Her last day with our team is April 28th.

But on a personal level I was a little down after hearing this news. My prospects for finding something else in time within the Bank seem slim, and this cast that contrast in bold light. I left for lunch feeling discouraged.

I had a voicemail when I returned: my boss's boss had mentioned my name to one of his managers, and he was calling to learn more about my background and what I was interested in. He was easy to talk to, and although there was nothing in his area, he gave me the names of several contacts. He also mentioned my name to a buddy of his that has some openings.

This gave me a little hope - and what fortuitous timing! I sent my resume to these contacts and a few more that were related. At this point I've really got nothing to lose. Actually, even if nothing comes of them, having some more irons in the fire does wonders for my mental outlook.


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