Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Focus on "I Can's"

I'm trying to focus on things I can control to preserve my sanity these days. I'm not always successful, but I find it helps when I have the discipline to do it. This blog is an example. I have no control over the powerful emotional issues that crop up daily; however, expressing my thoughts, writing them out, takes away some of the sting.

I can't control if someone will select me for a job. But I can work on crafting a solid resume, cover letter, etc. I can contact many people I know to publicize my situation. I can continue to upgrade certain skills so I am better prepared for a new job.

I need to focus on the "I can's" versus the "I can'ts".


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Patricia said...

I just happened in here. I'm sorry about what you're going through. It happened to my husband a few years ago. His job doesn't even count as outsourced, because it has a new name now that it's being done in India. He prepared for the change in technology that was coming, but he couldn't compete with the difference in pay.

It makes my blood boil, even more so when people like Bill Gates wonder why American students are not majoring in computer science so much. Maybe because they've learned from the experience of their parents.

I wish you luck. I'm sure you'll get something good. Maybe better. But it still absolutely sucks, what they're doing to people.


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