Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Other Options

Getting laid off can play with your head in strange ways. Here I am, having worked as an employee for the last 30+ years, now having visions of running my own business. Why? It's a gut level response to suddenly losing your job: you really don't want to go through that again.

But it's even more fundamental than that: I've lost faith in the traditional model of employer and employee. There's so much that's out of my control. Given a choice I would rather put my trust in me. That's the nice thing about your own business: you run it, you make the decisions. Odds are you won't outsource yourself!

I'm really not the ambitious, competitive type; I'm not out to take on Donald Trump. I would just like something under my control that would pay the bills and be fulfilling.

Alas, these things don't grow in trees, and often may be worse than a regular job. So I'm in the process of sorting these things through so I can make a reasonably informed decision. I wouldn't want to jeopardize our financial security through inordinate risks. But if it takes a while to find a job I need a Plan B anyway, so it's worth thinking about.


At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dave,

My name is Eric Roach and I am an editor at Pluck.com in Austin Texas. Pluck has just launched a project which involves a news wire service and syndication network for blogs called BlogBurst. The site is live and we're recruiting bloggers on an invite-only basis to join the system. At its core, BlogBurst is a news service bringing quality blogs onto highly-trafficked, high-brand mainstream publisher sites like the Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle and San Antonio-Express News.

I have found your blog to be very compelling, and I'd be thrilled if you would check out our service.

Here is a live example from the San Francisco Chronicle (SFGate): http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogburst/display/travel?postId=B7eHUbDVbU8e6QAqZJXVAXG


Please let me know what you think, and I'll be happy to provide you with an invite into our system.


Eric Roach


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