Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Don't Bother Me - I'm Thinking

I need a break. Unfortunately there's no break from not having a job, it's always there, always a fact of life. Now I am very analytical - solving problems is my forte - and when I have a problem I'm constantly thinking about it, turning it over, looking at it from every angle. Typically I figure it out, I fix what's wrong, and move on.

But facing the prospect of unemployment is not your average problem. It's huge, emotion-laden, and touches everything. Easy solutions? Forget it. In fact, "the solution" is out of my control unless I start my own business (and even then your customers are out of your control). This is a Monster Problem, the Perfect Storm Problem, the, well you get the idea...

But giving up is not an option either, so I can't stop thinking about it. I'm preoccupied always; there's a constant corner of my mind thinking away. My wife comments that I'm not all here, my thoughts are somewhere else. The good thing: I'm positive - thinking about possible solutions - vs. worrying (maybe that comes later!). Still, it's an immense task.

I'm going to wear myself out at this rate, however. And if I can't keep myself mentally fresh I probably won't accomplish much anyway. So today I'm taking the family out to the theater to see "Bye Bye Birdie", which is being done by one of the local community theater groups here. It will be good downtime. I will try to just enjoy the play - and stop thinking!


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