Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Better to Accept?

My impending layoff from the Bank has been a brutal shock. I've been using this blog to examine the human side - the all-too-natural anger, betrayal and sorrow - that is a byproduct of modern corporate economics. I'll of course continue to examine this human side going forward; but from a personal standpoint, there are other considerations I haven't touched on.

I'm not the most spiritual person in the world, but maybe, for whatever reason, I was not meant to spend the rest of my working life at the Bank. Losing one's job is certainly an effective, if crude, means for forcing one to move on. And moving on is maybe the whole point: it's time to do something else, time to help somewhere else.

What if I simply accept what's happened? A radical idea, that. But accepting - not fighting, not railing against fate - could be a lot healthier. Maybe I should spend less time worrying; instead, trust that, for me, it's for the best. For reasons that are ineffable my path lies elsewhere; my job is to figure out which fork to take. Standing still on the trail - getting upset about the fate that has placed the fork before me -is not going to get me anywhere.


At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know david, I just read your last entry,

I totally think that god has a plan for everyone and in that plan there may be changes in direction that you don’t necessarily understand or agree with or even want to go..but if you let him lead you and trust it will work out then you will end up fine. If you fight against it then the path will be hard.

So build up your courage, be brave, and use the tools and skills god has given you…use your remaining days wisely…stretch out a net send your resume to all you know at the bank, ask them to forward it on..that is how I got my job...networking to all you know whether big fish or little fish. at all times keep in mind that maybe you wont be working for the bank any longer...so start looking at other companies and govertment jobs…what is out there right now…be familiar with them so you know where to go incase you don’t get a job here...right now I have a friend who got a notice last year from the bank, then found a job in the bank, and now last week was laid off and last Friday was her last day..but she spread her net so I am still sending her resume to all I know and hopefully someone will know someone who needs her. Don’t think just cause you leave the bank your contacts are not working.

You can be sad and mourn the loss of a "situation" but also be proactive and take the leap and find another job..dont wait for it to come to you.

You have great skills and are very marketable...so get to working... its hard work to get a job.


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