Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Mystery Solved

I found out an East Coast teammate was laid off the same day as me; his last day is April 30th. There's no logical reason for this, with our help desk scheduled to be "transitioned" to the India people in only two months. For the sake of 60 days, they are risking the quality of the India transition and customer service in the meantime, because normal problem volume continues but there's fewer and fewer people left to work the tickets.

Why? Because our systems management is scrambling to fill a $5 million budget hole they had not anticipated (yours truly will be making the ultimate contribution to this noble effort May 31st). But please - that amount of money is too small to make a dent in our financial picture. (Today the Bank reported first-quarter profit of $18 billion).

Here's the mystery: why all the fuss? Yep...some manager's bonus is at stake: he might get 10% less! That smells about right. So my teammate, myself and about 30 other people will fall on our swords. But by golly that budget hole will be plugged!

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