Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Real Pain

This whole experience has been a pain - literally. I, who rarely gets headaches, have had a fairly constant dull headache for five weeks now. Coincidentally it started a few days after the Bank unveiled their new "People Strategy" (that really is what they called all this outsourcing!).

Last week the nurse saw me and had me take three Advils 3x/day, in an attempt to break the "pain cycle". Apparently the nerves that cause headaches can get inflamed just like muscles and then stay inflamed for awhile. It felt a little better for a few days but then returned.

I saw the doctor again today to follow up. To try to better determine if it's stress, he prescribed a mild sedative to take when the headache is flared up. If it then goes away, that would be a good sign stress is the culprit. I have to be careful when I take it because I can't drive for six hours afterwards (and probably will be less than super-productive at work!).

So I'll try this out. Truly this headache thing is adding insult to injury, but I'm finding the body does weird things under stress.


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