Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Free to Look

Heard about a possible internal opening within the Bank from one of the managers on my floor. It's for a business analyst-type position, so I sent an e-mail over with my resume. Perhaps something will come of it.

When you are laid off, you are "free to look within the Bank", in hopes of finding another internal position. If you are expecting much help with this search process, you will be sorely disappointed, for you're pretty much on your own. There's an online job openings system that you can apply to, you can hunt around for openings, but it's up to you. The ideal: a manager that knows you - championing your cause and beating the bushes - well, that's a dream.

The large organization doesn't know and doesn't care about the individual. If your number comes up, no alarms go up, no red flags appear; nothing can stop the right manager from committing gross injustice. The Corporation is utterly indifferent to your plight. However, if you find something else, you can be immediately restored to active status as well. It's just another code in the computer!

Personal this process is not; but discouraging it is.


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