Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


When you have school-age kids, the school year dictates your vacation time. Planning is easy: there's Christmas, Easter week and Summer. That's it. (Of course that guarantees you'll have lots of company from other families and few travel bargains!) Normally we take an annual family vacation during Easter week - something we've done for the last 13 years. But not this year.

We had planned on getting away next week. But getting laid off can really put a damper on vacation plans! The economics at this point make it a costly luxury. If I forego the vacation, when I am laid off after May I will get paid for any vacation time accrued but not used. It's not much, but it could be a couple more weeks pay, and that's worth the sacrifice.

And heck, I may have more vacation time than I know what to do with starting in June. So if it's a choice between relaxing on a scenic vacation or spending the week on the phone training my friends in India, you'll know my decision. Uh, remind me again...please? Oh yeah. FUHGEDDABOWDITT!!!


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