Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Dig! Dig!

Well, the good news is I was outsourced but it doesn't take effect for 60 days. The bad news: my job is to train the folks from India that are inheriting my job. Kind of like handing the condemned man the shovel.

I create Web applications used internally by the hundreds of users of our data warehouse (massive databases used for marketing analysis). I'm quite proud of my expertise in this area and the usefulness of what I've created these past five years. I'm discouraged that I have to leave all this behind. My heart and soul went into this work and I'm sad to be torn apart from it - kind of like a work divorce.

And I will be leaving it in the hands of people that know very little about our data warehouse environment: they don't even have an ID to log on with. But not to worry, I'm sure our management team knows what they're doing!


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