Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Moving on

After a couple days I'm beginning to adjust to the changes since I got my termination notice. Word has gotten around fast - I only told a couple of people and with that the news was carried by the grapevine throughout our area. A number of people have stopped by and said how sorry they were, and that has meant a lot.

It's a strange feeling working out this 60 day transition period until I'm officially gone. I'm still here, and yet… For example, the East Coast team I belong to always has had their weekly staff meetings at a Pacific TimeZone-friendly time, at least until today. Apparently I'm no longer invited because the new meeting time is 6:30 AM Pacific. Already others are moving on...without me.

I am no longer the same as everyone else - they are employed here in an open-ended job, whereas for me the clock is running down. I no longer feel like a Bank "associate" in spite of the technical fact I am till the end. I walk around my floor, the Tech Center, feeling detached from it all. To the unknowing I look like any other employee, but in a few weeks I'll be gone.

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