Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Education in head banging

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have developed a job-related web site on the side to use as an R&D exercise. I'm trying to see what works and what doesn't in creating an income-producing web site.

So far, I'm getting a great education in the "what doesn't work" part. Decent Web traffic from these ultra-competitive search terms - jobs, resume, careers, etc. - is not going to happen. After several months of effort, and links from over 100 other sites, I'm still not on the radar screen in Google or Yahoo for the bread-and-butter searches.

Instead of continuing to bang my head against the wall, I'm shifting gears. Within the job search category, perhaps there are lesser-known niches where my site could be found. After all, my site is certainly out there in Google: if I search on certain terms on my homepage my site comes up as the #1 result.

My hope is a collection of tiny niches might add up to something worthwhile. Learning to identify, assess and exploit search terms that the big boys are ignoring seems the only way to go.

Are "Micro Niches" worthwhile? That's the $64 question, of course.

I will do my best to find out.

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