My wife learns her fate

For several weeks now, my wife has continued to work part-time at the small, two-person accounting firm. It was a temporary trial: she was not an employee at that point, but an independent contractor. That was okay; she was content to be earning something for the moment.
However, as the weeks wore on with no word either way, she began to wonder if she was simply low-cost labor until they finished their September 15th fiscal year high workload. "We need to sit down and talk" was said frequently, but nothing ever came of it.
Monday that changed. The head of the firm was suddenly insistent that "they needed to talk". This was the first business day after September 15th - not a good sign. And the family's experiences this year with one-on-one talks with the boss have not ended well.
Well - surprise - they offered her a permanent position! Although the money could be better, the training opportunities seem very promising. They'll be putting her through the ropes with most of the accounting duties they do at the firm - she won't be just doing grunt work. And they are very flexible about working hours, which is one of the main things she needs, plus the central location is ideal.
And amazingly enough, she'll be working with highly educated professionals that seem organized and decent (no yelling/cursing, no constantly missed payrolls). True, her boss is the micromanager to end all micromanagers, and she does still have to deal with the DOS circa 1990 accounting software they use, but no job of my wife's is complete without its strange quirks.
For now, things seem to have worked out for the best. She's quite pleased!
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