Cellular assimilation

We have become a four cell phone family - our assimilation is complete.
Not that we haven't surrendered without difficulty. My wife had one first, mostly for emergency purposes, for several years. Then my oldest son needed one in high school to better coordinate the varying pickup times. But I drew the line there: I didn't see any need for myself or my youngest son.
But the youngest is now in high school, and even after one week it was apparent a cell phone was needed. With Verizon offering additional family lines for only $9.99/month, we got phones for him and even me. My wife has been after me for awhile now to get one. For some reason my driving around in my 1984 Toyota Corolla "Luxury Edition" without a cell concerns her (it didn't help my cause that I couldn't start it last week).
And I must admit the phone, a Motorola V325 (pictured above), is pretty cool: it has Mobile Web features so I can access my e-mail via phone. (Why I would really need to do this, I'm not sure, but it's cool nonetheless.)
How much I'll use the phone remains to be seen. But for better or for worse, we have all joined the cellular club.
Technorati Tags: cell phones
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