Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My wife resigns

Last week my wife had the chance to fulfill the dream of every frustrated worker. Namely, dear boss: take this job and shove it!

She blew it.

Thursday she gave her notice at the dental office. She was polite and professional, diplomatic, and nary a word about the negatives. Her leaving was for family reasons, which was true: she put up with much worse for several years after last job. The ongoing long hours, however, no longer make it worth it. For the same hours, she could be commuting into the city and making way more money. She chooses not to do that: she would rather trade money for family time.

Her boss, the outgoing dentist, was very understanding. He called a staff meeting, announced her leaving, and told her: "You saved my life". She has really turned around that office in the past year.

The new dentist was shocked she was leaving. It's probably too much to ask that she might ponder her actions and consider whether this step could have been avoided.

Meanwhile, my wife is counting the days until she is free. And she already has a lead for a possible new job.

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