Keep the day job
While working at my primary Bank job, I've kept my hand in some Web projects on the side. I mentioned in an earlier post about developing a job-related site, intending to use it as a R&D exercise to learn what works and what doesn't for a sideline Web business.
My intent was to pick a popular area, and job-related sites certainly gather a lot of traffic. Put up a site that links to a lot of quality content, although not requiring in-depth content of its own. Then see what could be earned with some well-placed Google Ads from visitors. Essentially a "build it and they will come" approach.
Well, what I've learned so far: it ain't working. They don't come because no one knows it exists. And they don't know it's there because your site gets pitiful search engine rankings from Google and others. A lot of people are searching for your category, but no one is going to wade through 500 higher ranked sites to get to yours.
One way to get traffic is to be listed in some high-profile directories for your category. So I made an executive decision to pay to get my site listed in the Yahoo Directory a couple weeks ago. Not an easy decision, because it's a $299 annual fee! But I obviously needed to try something: the site had been earning an average of 15 cents per day.
For the first seven days, new directory entries in Yahoo are listed at the top of their category and marked "New". Last week was great: in seven days the site earned over $30 - it was exciting. How great was this: you do nothing and get paid for it!
Alas, the seven days were up Thursday, and my site has retreated to the bottom of the category list. Saturday I earned 8 cents (I'll try not to spend it all at once).
Guess for now I better keep my day job.
Technorati Tags: Google ads, moonlighting