Outsourced Odyssey

A tech veteran explores the human impact of a bout with outsourcing.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Don't leave without your performance plan

Mostly wait-and-see mode today. Filled in the skills spreadsheet for Rick's position and forwarded it to his manager in Charlotte. Didn't hear anything back today, which made me feel a little uneasy. A number of the skills were of a Database Administrator caliber, which obviously I'm not, but neither does the position really mandate that type of skill level. (However, it doesn't help that Rick is a dba.)

Meanwhile, I was amused by a typical case of Corporate Reality Disconnect: my quarterly performance plan review session. I'm due to be terminated in two weeks, but nevermind that minor detail; after all, we must show 100 percent reviews completed.

OK, fine. Since I was notified April 3rd I would be laid off, it wasn't the most stellar 90 days of performance in my career. Of course I did "execute the transition" (or did it execute me?). That seemed to be enough for my soon-to-be ex-boss, who, to her credit, was pretty diplomatic about the whole thing.

Still, the whole thing was a bit unreal. I need a job, not this.

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