Happy birthday to me!
What a change a day makes. Yesterday could have gone either way, and if bad, today would have been my last day at the bank. Talk about ironic - not to mention the lousiest of birthday presents.
But as it is I've got a new lease on life. A fresh start. There could be no better birthday present!
I was welcomed by my new manager to the team, and several new teammates sent me welcome notes as well. My manager called to talk with me, asked if I was taking any days off next week, and then invited me to a meeting to help me get up to speed. A little thing that call, but it's little things that show a manager actually cares. I've heard good things about her; this is probably why.
I like the people I've talked to already; they'll be good to work with. Funny how change seems so scary, and it's easy to envision dozens of horrible scenarios. Yet the more likely case, that things work out well - that's rarely dwelled on.
I called HR to doublecheck on my status. The woman from the call center said there was no longer any severance data on my records. Of course, the big test comes next week. If I can log in when I get back I'll know I'm good!
My family, and even my parents who are driving the 60 miles over here, are going out for dinner. My parents' visit originally was to offset Black Birthday, to lift my spirits. How sweet to be able to celebrate instead.
Technorati Tags: birthday, job search, layoffs